Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Trip to Marshalls

I finally made it to Marshalls yesterday!!! The amazingly wonderful Victoria from Rocket XL had given me gift cards for TJ Maxx & Marshalls (is this starting to sound familiar?), so a-shopping I a-went.

I've been putting it off because I prefer my shopping online. I'm sure the fact that the closest Marshalls is about 30 miles away had nothing to do with it (Sarcasm).

M had an appointment with the doctor yesterday & wouldn't you know, there happens to be a Marshalls about 2 minutes away! What a wonderful coinkidink! Just kidding, I knew. My bff & I planned on meeting up & doing a little shopping before M's appointment, & luckily, she had to be in the area too. We spent a fun-filled hour looking around w/the kiddies in tow.

We found lots of great things (in the yummy section) that we didn't buy. She got a couple good things for cheap!

Here is what I got for $28 & change:Not too shabby, right? And practically unheard of in this day & age!

Peace & Love

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Goals for the New Year

Notice I didn't say resolution? I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. I think they're crap, which I know I've said before. People take them seriously for about a minute & then they're forgotten or they're put off for so long until the person feels so guilty that they are forced to give it a shot; this happens in about June or July.

Here are my GOALS for 2010:
  • Lose weight-Sounds like everyone's resolutions, but for my health & my family & my sanity (I may f'ing beat that fat chick in the mirror one day!) it needs to be done.
  • Get a J O B-I need one to help support us, unless someone wants to pay me for chatting w/y'all...Anyone? Anyone? Shit. It was worth a try.
There are little ones like be nicer, be more active (blah blah blah), but those will most likely come w/attaining my major goals.

I don't want to hear your resolutions. I wanna hear your GOALS. What do you seriously plan on doing in the new year? How do you plan on starting out a new decade. If you say on your couch, pickin your nose, I will throw things at you. Besides, that position has been moi!

Cuz there's 30 years in a decade, right? Just kidding, but the song seems appropriate anyway.

Peace & Love

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Last Music Monday of 2009

Good morning & happy Monday to everyone! I hope y'all had a wonderful Xmas or three day weekend for you non-Xmasers. I did, but I will go over mine in a separate know, to make it look like I'm doing stuff.

I've got here, my last Music Monday for the year, for the decade! I hope you like it. For those of you without the kiddos around, turn it up! For those of you who have them right next to you or you're unlucky (or lucky) enough to be working:HEADPHONES! As usual, most of it's fine for wherever you are or whomever might be listening, but there's always one or two...

Have a great day!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Peace & Love

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Ok, I can't leave everything as such a downer with Xmas so close! With so much going so shitty, so fast, here's what I'm thankful for:
  • My family-This includes extended, inlaws, soon to be inlaws, etc. Y'all are a pain in my ass, but I wouldn't trade you in for anything (except for maybe one mealyon dollars. Crap, holidays. Ok, not even for one mealyon dollars.)
  • My friends-This includes my IRL & online friends. I'm not sure where my sanity stands, but y'all help me keep at least a tiny bit. You support me when everything goes down the toilet. You make me laugh. You make me feel loved.
  • My hubby-Yup, he should've been included w/the fam, but he's more special than that. He makes me crazy. He makes me want to beat him. He's got a foul mouth & a fouler temper. He's also willing to support me in practically anything. We may not always get along & he may call me evil, but I love him to pieces.
  • My Kiddo-Yup, she's special too. She makes me crazy. She makes me want to beat her. She's got a foul mouth & a fouler temper...Just kidding, her mouth isn't too bad yet. She is smart & beautiful & wise beyond her years. She sometimes scares me. My little love may be demonic at times, but I am so thankful to have her in my life.
  • I'm thankful to have a roof over my head-It's friggin cold out! Ok, so it's cold in here too, but it's even colder outside! So many people don't have this luxury, yes luxury, that we take for granted. I will do whatever it takes to keep it. (Tis the season, so I guess I won't bring up hooking again until after the new year.)
  • My pottyroom-I can't stand public potties. I may not be phobic, but I hate them!
There's more, but you get my point. While I have reasons to be in a bad mood this holiday season, I also have reasons not to.

Happy Holidays, everyone! Since I'm lazy, I have no idea if I'm going to write again this week, so for all of you Xmasers: Merry Christmas! May you have a great one. May you keep your sanity. May you be with the ones you love.

Peace & Love

Monday, December 21, 2009

Too Good To Be True

If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I thought this would be the perfect job for me, the perfect place, the perfect hours, the perfect chance to learn something new...of course, it wasn't to be for me.

I got all excited, which I try to never do, & ended up heartbroken, embarrassed & ashamed.

Heartbroken that I lost this chance to help my family get back on it's feet. Heartbroken that I lost the chance to get into a good company & learn something new, so I won't always be a secretary. Heartbroken that I've lost hope that I could be something bigger & have the chance to grow.

Embarrassed because now everyone knows how unworthy I am. Yes, I know I posted about it, but wouldn't you all start to wonder why I never talked about this great job I had mentioned getting. I'm not a liar & it's easier to get it out of the way.

Ashamed because I am unworthy somehow. I have never truly done a bad thing in my life, but there is something there that kept me from getting the clearance that I needed. It makes me feel like I will forever be just not good enough. Everyone will hear & either pity me or gloat.

For reasons like this, I am scared shitless of everything good in my life because it is so easily taken away.

I'm sorry I'm such a downer today. I'm going to blame it on PMS, just like I do every time I'm in a bad mood. All I need is some Midol & a couple of drinks & I should be right as rain.

Now I'm gonna go cry over something stupid like having to return my new, beloved Vado HD.

Peace & Love (& know that I appreciate you all for listening to me whine.)

A Vicious Circle

I just found out today that I no longer have that wonderful job that I was so excited to get & so desperately needed. Why? Because of security clearance that I needed to have. What could be in my past that is so terrible that might keep me from getting this clearance, you may ask? Am i a terrorist? No! Am I a thief? NO! Am I a threat to any kind of security? NO!!!

The only thing I can guess is that it's my credit, my financial situation (one of the generic reasons on what it could have been). It's a vicious circle, one that I may not be able to get out of. This year has been hell on my finances & my credit rating. I would be able to dig myself out of this hole if I had a job, but I can't get a job (at least this one) because of this fucking hole!

Yes, I plan on spending the rest of the day wallowing in my misery & watching Pirates. Johnny is never a disappointment & never hurts me. It may be better for me to be away from people & soak in my movies anyway.

So, what minimal holiday cheer I may have had has now gone down the toilet.

No music...I just don't feel like it.

Peace & Love

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Holiday Music Monday

Welcome to the Christmas Countdown...

Here are my holiday music picks on this, the week of "get me that!". I know I'm late for Hanukkah, terrible non-practicing Jew that I am, but made sure there were at least a couple Hanukkah songs included (Adam Sandler counts!)

I couldn't do quite as long a list as usual cuz I don't love holiday music, not nearly as much as I love other music, & I'm not feeling the holiday cheer.

I'm not down. per se, just not feeling the happy, bubbly, & oft religious music.

Don't get me wrong, I do love some of them, not necessarily for their words, but for their feel. Carol of the Bells, Little Drummer Boy, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen; the melodies & harmonies...I just close my eyes & listen.

I hope y'all are having a happy holiday season. Remember the whole "Peace on earth & Goodwill towards men (& women)". In my opinion, that means: Even if you're an asshole, knock it least until after the new year. Then you can make a resolution to not be an asshole, & that gives everyone an extra week without your shit. Thank you.

After you're done listening here, go check out Brittany's, from The Greer 5, choices! (Her's are a little more traditional.)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Peace & Love

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Parent's Worst Nightmare

Earlier this week, a tragedy happened to a fellow blogger, mom. Every (non-psycho) parent's worst nightmare. I have never met Shellie, though I do follow her on Twitter, but my heart goes out to her & her family for the loss of her 2 yr old son.

I have been fortunate enough to have never felt the pain that they must be feeling & I get teary just writing about it, & the thought of losing my one & only (pain-in-the-ass, beautiful, creative, smart, wonderfully weird) daughter.

There have fights & people attacking online about what happened that I have been lucky enough to catch only the slightest breath of, that I think are ridiculous. A mother has lost her baby, I don't care what you think is wrong with the story, that is the bottom line. If you don't have anything nice to say, just shut the fuck up.

I've never been a purveyor of pretty words, I'm more seaman than lady, & that is my bottom line right now: If you can't be supportive, if you can't be nice, just fuck off.

In case anyone should pass this along to her:
Shellie, you don't know us, but my husband & I are both so very sorry for your loss. A piece of my heart has broken for you & your family. I'm not good w/words, so *hugs* to you all.

Peace & Love

Monday, December 14, 2009

My TJ Maxx Experience

Victoria from Rocket XL was sweet enough to send me gift cards for TJ Maxx & Marshalls. I am not a shopper, not really. I'm not a very good "girl", I know.

Well, today I had time (for reasons I will explain later), so I headed over to TJ Maxx. It happened to be on my way home, so it worked out perfectly!

I looked around a little, since I've only been in TJ Maxx maybe once before. They have some of the cutest things! I got out of the store spending only $45.63 (ok, $2o.63 out of pocket~Thank you again Victoria!!!)

Here's what I got:
A child-size snuggie-like blanket for M (don't tell my anti-Snuggie friends!). A cute little bunny blanket for Gena's little man, Myles (Surprises are not my thing).

Teddy w/a blanket for my bff's little Sophia & a teddy for Toys For Tots

Ipod speakers for Christy (Told you that I'm terrible with surprises)

Like I said, I'm not a shopper, but I think I did pretty well for myself!

In case you haven't already, please don't forget to check out Carol-oke! I should be getting my Vado soon, so I may enter myself (or trick M into it)!

Next time I go shopping, I'm going to check out Marshalls!

Peace & Love

A Back To Work Music Monday!

Ok, none of these have anything to do w/going back to work, but that is what I am doing today! For some of my Twitter friends, you'll notice I got some of these from PS I Love You. I just love the sound of them. Again, I went lazy & went perusing other people's playlists & found songs I liked. I deleted some cuz I ended up with over 50 songs!

Next week, I think I'm going to do a Christmas list of songs that don't make me want to vomit.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

If I'm talking about PS I Love You, then I gotta have MY Gerard in here!

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!
Peace & Love

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Birfday to My Baby!!!!

On December 12th, 2003 Marissa Joleen came into this world, a month early, to parents who were scared shitless.

M was due on Jan 14th, Eric's & my anniversary, but as I had preeclampsia, & she was tiny for how far along I was, she was brought into this world a month early. They decided not to induce me & we are lucky for that. They tell me that if I had given birth to her naturally, she may not have survived. My little monkey had bounced around inside of me & tied her chord in a knot.

M was 4 lbs, 1 oz, & tiny like a little doll. She was wrinkly (she hadn't grown into her skin yet).
She quickly caught up to where she should be!

My beautiful, smart, pain-in-the-ass daughter.
Happy Birfday to my baby.

Peace & Love

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Your Opinion is Needed!

Eric wanted opinions, but I don't think I can fit it into 140 characters for Twitter. Here goes & keep in mind, I am paraphrasing.

He got money today from work for wire taken in. The wire was given to him by his stuporvisor. He told me that he wanted to get a set of pipes for the midlifecrisismobile~fairly inexpensive (they slip on). We have Xmas & M's birfday taken care of. He said that that is what he wanted, I have some money to pay bills. Ok, no problem.

I didn't realize that he was going to order the pipes TODAY. He called his bro all excited that he had the money & his bro said to come over & that they could order it & Bro would put it on his card & Eric would give him the cash for it & have it delivered there so he can help E install. Done & Done.

My sis inlaw, freaked the hell out about this. Calling him deceitful & a thief. Saying that he was hiding this from me. He explained to her where he got the money, though it wasn't her business & said that I knew & that she could call me.

There are many problems with this story in my book & I got upset with him. 1. Why does he need to put it on Bro's card? He could have waited a couple of days & put it on ours! 2. I could have ordered it for him since he's barely computer literate. 3. Why does his fam need to know any of our business? I let you all know we're broke, but I don't give you dollars & cents. Our finances one way or another aren't anyone's business. 4. They live about 7 mi away, did it really need to be delivered there? If Bro wants to help install for male-bonding, he can come over here as well.

I have more problems, but this is taking too long. What do you think? How would you have reacted. Did I have reason to get mad? I need guys & girls info, pls!

Thank you!!!

Peace & Love

*I had pulled this down last night because I was doing the same thing he was, on a bigger level.*

My Mean Mommy by Marissa Cogley

I know this is hard to read, but M wrote this in crayon. I translated for those of you who may have problems reading Five Year Old. I have become quite adept at translating & will soon need to learn how to read Six Year Old. (You can click on her writing to enlarge.)

Here is her tale about how mean I am. I find it humorous enough on it's own, so I will not make comments to explain or defend myself. (Also, no music today. Just enjoy the story.)

I do not like the way you treat me because I don't like the way you treat me because I do like the...
You make me tell you what I want to have for breakfast & you make me pick up the toys by myself.
And the other thing I do not like the most the way you yell at me & you yell at me to do stuff just for you & I do not like it.
And I do not like the way you hit me because you smack on purpose & send me to my room.
And I do not like the way you me because and you not not make me eat stuff that I do not want to eat.

And she does not let me look at her book.

Enjoy your kids. Especially the smart(ass) ones. They'll be the ones paying for your retirement!

Peace & Love

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Introducing Carol-oke!

T.J. Maxx & Marshalls are doing a great thing while inviting everyone to have some fun & giving them the chance to win awesome prizes! Hello, the chance $100 gift cards or a $5000 shopping spree? Not too shabby!

Now what great thing are they doing? Well, for every uploaded video from one of their original songs, they will make a $1 donation to Toys For Tots, a wonderful & worthy cause!

I'm tempted to do this myself, even though I can't sing & don't want my face shown anywhere. Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for my Xmas wish to come true!

For all of you brave people, & I know y'all are brave, I ask you to have fun! Make an awesome video! Send it in & then cut me in when you win! Just kidding...maybe.

I dare you all. Do it for the children! (Ha, I'm nothing if not a wonderful, guilt-giving mother!) If that doesn't convince you, do it for the chance to win FREE shopping!

Now, my friends, go make your video! Don't forget to check out the rules, though, first! Click HERE to visit the T.J. Maxx & Marshalls Carol-oke page.

Peace, Love & Good luck to you all!

My Dream of a Video Camera

You know the song/saying "All I want for Xmas is my 2 front teeth"? All I want is a video camera. Not an expensive one, a Flip or a Vado would suit my needs nicely!

I just went on vacation w/my family to beautiful Arizona & would have loved to video some of it for y'all! I tried on my camera & it just sucked up too much of the memory card.

I have many crazy & wonderful people who want me to vlog (they wanna here me rant & rave in person, I guess!).

I'd love for y'all to actually see my beautimous pain in the ass-I mean daughter! I meant daughter!- And the psycho activities of my dog. And we can't miss the humor of the sleeping hubby! (Ok, he may not want me to get a video camera...)

What is it that y'all want for Xmas & why?

Ok, this is from over a year ago & technology changes quite a lot in that amount of time, but this guy is funny & I love his review!

Peace & Love

What's To Come

I have less than one week lest of non-worker status. Yup, I'm going back to work on Monday after being off for over a year. I'm so nervous, but excited as hell, as well!

I've been frustrated here, so I don't know what is going to happen with this blog. I've been mostly whine-y here & I hate that! I want people to love what I'm saying & doing, but I know I can't please everyone.

I'm going to try to branch out, so it won't only be me bitching about something or another. I'm going to try to do some reviews (if anyone wants me to). Y'all know that you'll get honesty from me or this blog would be me blowing smoke & rainbows up your ass.

I'd be a beautiful princess, the perfect wife & mother...

Peace & Love

Monday, December 7, 2009

Listener's Choice Music Monday

For those of you who participated, I thank you. For those of you who didn't~Plllllllllttttttttttt (raspberry sound) on you! You will have another chance, when I get lazy again. (Play with me!)

I hope y'all enjoy this because I did not have anything to do w/any of these picks. These are from those of you who chose to play with me (& those of you that I badgered in to playing w/me) & I love the differences in them.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Because I didn't want to leave anyone's requests out & I found I actually like this lady!

Peace & Love

Friday, December 4, 2009

Just Who Do They Think I Am?

According to my email, I'm a desperate man w/a little dick, with rich friends wanting to give me free money! Oh, did I say I was desperate? Scuse me, Russian chicks want to marry me!

I love how these people send these to everyone! Dating sites (which a majority think I'm a man), mail order hos (in which also think I'm a man), South African princes & rich doctors or something in England (who don't care what I am, as long as I give them my banking info).

I know spam is spam, but I think if they looked into who they were sending crap to, they might actually get some response (from others besides stupid people~yes, I can say this because I too am sometimes stupid).

There was no point to this, I just get all that crap on a daily. PSA for the day: If you're going to spam me, please send me email on how to get bigger boobs, tell me hot GUYS want me (sorry, I don't swing towards the ladies), or that you're going to send me CASH & that you DON'T need my bank info!

One more PSA for the day, since I'm feeling generous: If you call me fat in the subject line, there is no friggin way in hell that I'm even considering opening it! I'm considering punching the sender in the face instead. You can just suck it!

This has nothing to do w/anything, but I was so jazzed to hear it yesterday!

Peace & Love

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh, What You Must Put Up With!

  • Are there for you when you need them
  • Play along w/you when you're saying the most ridiculous things
  • Call you out for being an asshole, but love you anyway
  • Put up w/your bullshit & drama
  • Get the completely random things that come out of your mouth (sort of)
  • Bring out the best & worst in you (hell, you have to be able to act like a child w/someone!)
  • Will tell you you're cute, even when you look like death
  • Like you for who you are (or why the hell would they still be there?)
For a weird change, I'm feeling warm & fuzzy. Don't hold it against me, it shouldn't last!

Thank you to those of you who put up w/my crap!

Peace & Love

Monday, November 30, 2009

Post-Holiday Music Monday

I'm in a cranky, bloated, fat, bitchy mood, so I doubt this is the right time to do this, but in the mood I'm in, it won't get done if I don't do it now. I just don't care right now.

I'm happy my most favoritest eating holiday is done & my birfday celebrating over with. I've eaten practically whatever I want & now feel like I could fill 2 seats (who knows, I just might).

This playlist took me less time because I do not feel like organizing them into something that flows nicely. I usually put in so much work on them for the 5 of you who actually listen to them, but I don't have it in me today. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate each of you, I'm just frustrated & cranky. You may get that feel when you listen. Most of these were added 2 weeks ago, can you tell which I added today? I'll give you a gold star if you get them all right.

I hope my crankiness didn't add to yours (Monday after a holiday? I'm sure you're feeling some.)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
Happy Monday.

Peace & Love

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Listener's Choice Update

I'm still collecting songs for the Listener's Choice for Next Monday. As I have recently been reminded, I will not be in town this next weekend, so I need any requests in to my no later than 5 pm PST, on Thursday. I can't guarantee the hotel we'll be at will have free internet, so I want to make sure I get this done before I leave.

To ensure I can add them, you may want to check to make sure they have them!

Thank you!!!

Peace & Love

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More Food & Love

So far I'm having the bestest food birfday ever! So far, my birthday has lasted 5 days, & I've been taken out (or just fed) 5 times. And believe you me, I'm am enjoying it immensely! Unfortunately, my pants are not. Fat & happy? Yeah, not so much... I am loving the food though!! And the best food of it all comes tomorrow! I'm soo excited (for the food)!

That's not entirely true! While I love the food, I love my family too. I am grateful to them for just being them. I just hope they bring some goodies. I heard that my cousin's wife is making different batches of cookies & I'm hoping that means that we're getting some good stuff!

Wow, is this a total fat-girl post or what?! All about the food!

I truly am thankful for my friends & family (for helping in making me the fat-ass I am today) for always being there when they are needed & loving me unconditionally.

My friends (in my head) include you loonies who come here to read whatever nonsense I have spouted on any given day. Y'all are wonderful! They also include my Twitter & Momdot friends, whom I adore. (I am in a pseudo-fight right now, just to give Gena someone to argue with, & enjoying the hell out of myself!) My pod-family almost always make me feel safe & loved (Mommy, daddy, please don't fight! Yes, we're a giant dysfunctional family). My in real life friends, you put up w/a lot! Love you bunches.

Enough mushy cheese. What are you thankful for? (Besides me, I mean...hehehehe)

Everyone have a wonderful Turkey Day! Try not to eat too much!

Ha! Thought I was gonna do a Turkey Day song again, didn't you? (Now I wanna watch Golden Girls!)

Peace & Love

Monday, November 23, 2009

Meet the Blogger Brittany

Brittany is so awesome & does a "Meet the Bloggers" for everyone else, so I thought that I'd do one for her. Granted, she made it easy for me & already had the questions ready to go, but it's fun to see how the questioner becomes the questionee (is that a word?). I have to give her a lot of credit for the restraint she shows in not commenting on or questioning everyone's answers. I do not have that restraint! I'm so nosy & talky that I have to put my 2 cents in!

Most of you know & love her, but for those of you who don't, I would love to introduce her to you. She is the fab person who made my site so lovely. She is a wonderful friend (when she is not torturing me). She is just a great person in general.

Meet Brittany Greer from the Greer 5.

Question 1:
Why in the world do you blog ? And what is your favorite thing about
I started blogging like everyone keep my family updated. But
thanks to a couple special ladies, I expanded on the blogging aspect. My
favorite thing about blogging is all the great friends I've met. Like
Kimlish - my kindred spirit!
Yes, I am Kimlish.

Question 2:
What is your favorite color , food and number?
Favorite Color - White
Food - Anything that is spicy but I love southern cooking!
Number - 2
I wonder, why white?

Question 3:
What kind of music do you listen to?
What don't I listen to? I'm an equal opportunity listener!
I've seen her playlist & yes she is!

Question 4:
Do you have a personal statement or motto that you live by?
There are actually several that I live by, but most recently my motto is
"In Omnia Paratus" meaning Prepared for all things.
I need to try this motto out!

Question 5:
If you could live anywhere - where would it be?
In the South of course. In a house like Forest Gump lived in. I'm talking
spiked lemonades on the front porch at noon, gossiping like southern woman
with my friends etc!
I hope I'd be one of those women. Hey, I'm from SOUTHern California!

Question 6:
If you could be from the past - which part of the past would you chose?
I loveeee history so it's always hard for me to chose. The days of the Old
West or when the greek philosophers were around. I would have loved to sit
around and talk to them all day!
You've got to love a diversified woman! Talk about 2 completely different times! I love it!

Question 7:
If you had a million dollars were told you had to live on a beautiful
island with a beautiful house with only one person in the world - who would
you pick?
Kim said I had to pick her LOL! But seriously...I would take my husband but
then my kids would be parentless. So he's gotta stay. Then I wanted to take
Derek Jeter. But the Yankees need him. So I think today I'll chose Gerard
. That would be HOTTTTTTTTTTTT!
She not only ditched me, but she took my man! She's lucky I love her!

Question 8:
Which networking site do you despise the most?
MySpace. It's lame and I'm not sure why it exists anymore - besides for
bands etc. Twitter and I have a love hate relationship for the most part.
Twitter mocks me daily.
Excuse me, I'm back on Myspace! It's quieter, for those days where you wanna be social, but not very!

Question 9:
Tell us one random thing you are thinking right now.
If I could make a pill that gives us energy and motivation I would be a
happy camper.
Wouldn't we all? I'd be one of your first customers, right? Friend discount?

Question 10:
Last but not least - what is your favorite feature on yourself?
My big booty. It's not too large but it's got great form. Comparable to
J-Lo. But my smile has always been complimented on!
Because it's lovely! (& the butt ain't bad, either)

To find & follow Brittany:

Peace & Love

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birfday Music Monday!

Hello & Happy Monday everyone! Today's version of Music Monday is not for everyone, in fact, I'm pretty sure that most people will not enjoy it as much as me. To that, I will be rude & say, "Ha ha! Suck it! It's my birfday & I can do what I want to!"

Am I really that rude? Unfortunately, yes. It's my birfday & I'm a bitch cuz I want to...

Now, that's not nice! You shouldn't be mean to other people on your birfday! You want presents!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Peace & Love

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why I Love Turkey Day

I'm no history buff. I'm pretty self-centered & live in the now & what concerns me. This is partially explains my love for the wonderfully delicious Turkey Day. Why, you ask?

I was born November 23rd, 1978...TURKEY DAY!!! It may not be this year, but in 1978 it was, look it up people. (See, all about me?!)

I also love Turkey Day for the most wonderful food ever. I love turkey & stuffing & bread (screw veggies) & mashed potatoes & pumpkin pie. Sure you end up w/the worst food hangover ever, but it is soooo worth it! (Can you tell I'm a fat person living in a fat person's body? I love food!)

Family gets together, & while you love them all, you know some sort of drama will ensue. If everyone brings tasty treats, you are willing to forgive them. Non-tasty treats, then nope, you'll never forgive. Fine, maybe you'll forgive them, but you'll never forget the non-tasty treats they brought & will find a way to get even...

I hope everyone has a wonderful (drama-free) Thanksgiving.

Peace & Love!

*Cute turkey from

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Support Your Local Artists!

Help make the local artists feel loved. Come on, do you wanna see this man cry? (I probably make people sorry they ever befriended me!)
Jason McCormack, yes my favoritest tattoo guy, is also an artist! (Surprise, surprise, right?)

Yes, this should have been done earlier, but I'm a bad supporter & friend.

Saturday, November 21st from 7 pm-11 pm @
Arts Connections/Innovations
17129 Main Street Suite B
Hesperia, CA 92345
If you're in the area (or surrounding areas), please come on out & show your support!

(Love this movie!)

Peace & Love

I Got the Job!

Everyone has been so wonderful in supporting me & I sooo very much appreciate it! As you can see from the title, yes, I did get the job! I just need to wait for some security stuff to go through & my tushy will be a-workin!

I am soo excited, y'all would not believe it! I mean, who wants to go to work? I do! I have been so stressed out that this actually made me want to cry because I was so relieved that I got it. I assure you, I acted manly & did not shed a tear, but I wanted to so badly! (I'm saving my tears for when I truly need them~who wants to watch PS...I Love You with me?)

I love everyone who crossed everything for me & luckily y'all can now walk without walking into the wall, pee without going on your shoes, & other stuff I'm sure your significant others have cursed me for. Your hands, legs, eyes & everything else are free!!! Ok ready? And one & stretch and 2 & stretch.

I will be an accounting clerk. Me? Quit laughing at me, you jerks! (Still love you.) Yes, I have the most wonderful opportunity to learn something new. I don't know if you can tell cuz I hide my feelings so well, but I am thrilled. I practically did the happy dance on the phone! Not a pretty sight, but none of you were there, so it doesn't matter (& pls don't try to picture that!).

Again, I just want to thank you all for your support & for listening to my bitching & moaning about being broke. I am still broke, but I'm going to be working my way out of that!
Peace & Love
**Froggy is from Animation Playhouse & I love it!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Listener's Choice

I've decided to do a Listener's Choice playlist on Monday, December 7th, which means I need your songs!

Here's what I need (& I will keep bugging everyone until I get them) from y'all.

2 of your favorite songs. I don't care what they are, I will post them as long as has them (so you might want to check & see). Just have them to me no later than Sat, Dec 5th at 5 pm PST.

I would love everyone's participation. Please send your songs to me @ . In the subject line, please write "I love Kim" or "Mentally Inked Song Choices", whichever you prefer.

Here is an example of the first one I received. (You gotta love my fam!)

Peace & Love

Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Almost Anything Goes Music Monday

Happy Monday all!

I think I finally have my playlist done (I have 4 playlists in progress, so I should be good for a couple weeks.), woo hoo! I put so much time & effort into these & I'm soo damn picky that it's almost a relief when I finish!

I was going to do show tunes for this week's Music Monday & then figured: Ya know my birfday is next week, so I'm going do the show tunes for my birfday, since I will probably enjoy them more than anyone else! Then I started going through other peoples playlists & hearing songs I've never heard before & ones that I haven't heard in years! I had so many songs going that I had to start another list and this list is still longer than usual!

It becomes hard to do these every week because I don't want to always put the same songs in a list~especially when I love soo many! I want people to start participating & letting me know some of the songs they like. I can do a Listeners' Choice playlist. Otherwise, y'all are stuck w/mine. Just to make you play with me, I may start putting crazy stuff in, & only crazy stuff! (Not really, I listen to my playlists over & over again.)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Peace & Love

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Un-social Social Networker

Ok, unsocial, antisocial. Tomay-to, tomah-to.

It's weird, at least for me, that I can spill (some of) my guts & talk to y'all through here or Twitter or Facebook & yet, I can't talk to you in person or where I'm in a position to be seen.

I went to the LA Mom's Night Out (put on by Mom TV ) last night & mainly stayed to myself or with the few people I knew. Kadi came outside to get me because I was being paged by Nicole & Gena online. I was inside long enough to wave hi to the camera & then slink back to my safe place.

I have been like this my entire life. I am always nervous around new people & I am nearly terrified in group situations (doesn't matter if I know people or not). I don't like to be the focus of anything (which is amazing since this is all about me, right?). A month or so ago, the lovely, beautiful, & silly, Brittany Greer posted my "Meet the Bloggers". My motto? Don't Trip (also known as the theme of my wedding day).

Right now because I don't feel good about myself, it's even worse. I feel (& look) fat & ugly, & that makes me even more uncomfortable around people.

If you meet me, please don't take my standoffishness (real word?) as me being bitchy or conceited or thinking I'm better than everyone around me (yes, I've heard all these things from people~after they took the time to get to know me.), I'm just shy. I'm not saying I'm not a bitch, cuz I totally am, but just give me a chance.

Maybe I will get better. Maybe I won't. I don't know.

I will make you all share my love of Glee.

Peace & Love.

Friday, November 13, 2009

"Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match"

We've all done this for a friend, " I know someone perfect for you!" (At least all of the women have. ) When you've been out of the game for the last decade, like I have, this is your chance to date vicariously through other people! (No, I am not unhappy in my marriage & neither do I ever actually want to enter the dating game again.)

I know this is a female thing. I know this. (The hubby will be surprised, & maybe a little pleased, that I do actually have more than one female bone in my body!)

I have the strongest desire to be a matchmaker right now, but I'm doing my best to stay out of it. I think I have found the most perfect couple. Granted, I barely know one of them, but from what I do know, I think it makes them perfect! One of them is fabulous & doesn't realize it & the other would compliment them perfectly(& is seemingly fab in their own right).

Is there anyone that any of you have matched up? Does it work?? Tell me your tales!

Call me Cupid...Kim Wannabe-Cupid. (Yes, it's hyphenated.)

If you have guessed who either of these people are, just keep it to yourself. I'm behaving & not naming names.

Monday, November 9, 2009

First (& Hopefully Last) Day of Freedom

It's amazing how little I can get done in one day! I deserve it, though, right? I mean, I have to get up again at 5:30 in the morning (you think when someone doesn't work, they get to sleep in...awesome! I'm up at the butt-crack of dawn just to make sure we, M & I, get on the road by 6:30ish (hey, I'm not perfect), so the little one gets to school on time, while still having time to run around & get some excess energy out.

It's weird. You'd think I want to get everything done before I go back to work, when in fact, I'd rather to do the opposite! I want to do nothing with whatever time I have left to do nothing. I'm so bass ackwords that I can't get it right. My laziness is truly starting to show.

I am enjoying the day without having to be a mom (ok, after I got M to school). I should feel bad that Eric is working 6 days a week (ok, I feel bad, but I should feel worse) while I'm doing nothing. That's right, I'm not even doing the laundry that should be done. I am just so relieved to be kid-free! Don't get me wrong, I love her to pieces, but I've spent the last 2 weeks w/her because she was on break at school & I am so happy to not hear, "Mom, I'm hungry!" every 5 minutes. How much can 1 little girl eat? Does she have a hollow leg that I don't know about? And she had the gall to accuse me of trying to starve her! Sheesh!

Here's to freedom! (for the day because I have plans for the rest of the week.)

Peace (& Quiet, ahhhhhh) & Love

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Am A Music Pain

This Music Monday might be different. If it seems like it's coming from different people, that's because it is. In my head, I know exactly what I'm lookin' for. If I can't put it into words, though, I can't search. Arrrrggghhhh!!!!!

Luckily there are people that kinda get me, that can help me pull the thoughts out of my head. Unfortunately, after dealing w/me for a bit, they gave up on me. Yes, I am picky when it comes to my Music Mondays. They had great songs, but not what I was looking for for this play list, so I took a couple songs from each & continued on my music journey. Some are from other play lists, but they fit perfectly into this one.

So over 5 hrs(& a headache) later, here is my music for the new week. I hope you enjoy it!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Now let's see if I can pull my ass up from this couch. I think I'm stuck!

Peace, Love & Happy Monday

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bikes, Buses, & Walkers, Oh My!

When I was younger, it was cool to walk to ride our bikes. It meant that we were grown up enough to do these things on our own. The joy of walking from point A to Point B without supervision was an awesome thing. Riding our bikes was even more freeing (until I fell).

Then I was old enough to drive & that didn't happen so much anymore. Then driving was the bestest thing ever! We could go even further distances unsupervised (& we did!).

When did it happen that I actually started to pity the people who are seen still walking or biking to Point B. It's not only me, I'm sure (I hope). I look at the people without cars & it's like an L magically appears on their forehead.

What the hell is wrong with me? They're the ones getting exercise every day (while others do it on their treadmills & stationary bikes~don't they know they're getting nowhere?!), saving money on the million dollars per gallon gasoline (while we're loading up our very thirsty guzzlers). They can actually see the new buildings that have gone up around where I grew up as I whizz by in the car (barely missing them cuz they need to get the hell out of the street).

And the bus?! I've never used one for every day travel, so I'm extremely spoiled & snotty on that count! Poor shmoes getting where they need to be for cheap...& being chauffeured. Hmmm...Mike! We need a physical tour of bus-dom, please! (You'll love Mike's stories!)

Has it always been like this? Is it just our generation? Is it just me? (You bastards~not you Holly~yelling at the bicyclists better not just say it's me!)

Please give me your feedback.

Peace & Love

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tattoo Artistes Need Love Too!

(Pronounced arteest, cuz I feel like it!)

Jason of Main Street Tattoos is my new most favoritest tattoo guy (Brandy, I said guy. You haven't worked on me, but you're my favoritest tattoo gal!)

If you're in the IE (Inland Empire, for you non-So Calers) or in the High Desert, & looking to get some ink, please visit Jason. He did my most beautimous butterfly & as you can see from the pic, he did my friend Christy's ankh. Hell, he even did a little tat for Kadi (same day I got my butterfly).

I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but he's my kind of people. Great sense of humor & he plays along. Yeah, not sure if Christy's seen the happy face we decided to put back there yet...

Main Street Tattoo 14519 Main St, Ste B, in Hesperia (760) 948-7100

Peace & Love

The Interview/Sell Yourself!

Hey, baby (imagine me putting my tank top strap down my shoulder)...Sell yourself! Shit, if I don't want me, who else is going to?

Yes, I had my interview yesterday, for anyone interested. The very nice gentleman interviewing me was retired Navy, which means his poker face kicked ass! Do I know how it went? Um, not exactly. I'd say it was a solid OK.

Selling myself has never been one of my best traits. You have to be around me to decide truly if you like me or not (ok or read me & decide you love me because I'm friggin awesome! hehehe).

Reasons to like me (personal &/or work related):
  • I'm loyal-I stuck with a job for almost 10 years when I was unhappy for at least 7. I'd rather be hurt than see my friends hurt (even if they're at fault for whatever). If I love you, I'd do anything I could to protect you from being hurt.
  • I'm punctual-I despise being late. It's almost enough to give me a mini panic attack!
  • I'm hard working-Ok, not always. If I enjoy what I'm doing, I do great. I'll be the best damn worker you've got!
  • I'm a people person-Yes, I know I constantly say that I'm not, but for some reason, I seem to get along well with others (I'm not going to day that everyone loves me because...)
  • I'm not a liar-I tell the truth almost always. I hate even little fibs. (Yes I have told some, but it was mostly when I was younger.) I can't stand liars. Most of the time, you end up w/5 versions of the same story because they can't remember whatever the hell they've said.
  • I have a sense of humor-Ok, not everyone gets me, but I'm funny damn it!

Ok, I'm sure there's more (jeez, I hope so) good stuff about me, but I can't think of it right now. On to the bad!

  • I'm stubborn-I'm always right (ok, mainly w/the hubby. I can admit when I'm wrong.)
  • I'm shy-Surprise! A lot of people are surprised by this because, for the most part, I can fake confident well.
  • I'm lazy-Is anyone really shocked by this?
  • I am domestically challenged-Come look at my house. Wait, no!
  • I have a shitty memory-Genetics have struck again.
  • I'm maternally challenged-I'm not the best mom, but I'm not the worst either (I love my kid, so I guess that's what matters).

I could keep going, but I'm not. The point is to sell myself.

Peace & Love

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fake Friends Need Not Apply

I'm almost 25 *cough cough* years old. I'm getting too old for my feelings to be hurt by someone not wanting to offend.

You didn't offend me. You fucking hurt me & pissed me off. You "love" me? I'd hate to see what you'd do to someone you didn't like!

Ok, at almost 31 (yeah, I knew no one was goin' for the 25), no one but my husband & kid should have that power over me, & now thanks to you, no one else will again. I remember now, why I went for so long without letting anyone close to me. Anyone who gets in my defenses now will be worth it, or they can just stay the fuck out.

Yes, I'm in the anger stage, but will soon be headed to indifference. Then this will mean nothing to me & you'll be a nothing but vague memory.

I have few friends, but they are all precious to me. If someone doesn't like me for who I am, well, they can piss off. I will not beg for their friendship & I will not change who I am. It's taken me this long to get me to where I like who I am, why would I change for someone who didn't appreciate it?

Peace & Love, my friends...
**My new favorite toy (the bird) was provided to me by Shan @ Last Shreds of Sanity. Thank you Shan!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Music Monday Ride...Like Six Flags, but Different

This Music Monday is gonna be a little different, a little weird, a little loud, a lotta me.

Most people may not like this playlist, but for the most part, this is for me. It shows my emotions & my personality (& my sense of humor). If you do not like dirty songs, or foul language, don't listen to this. Some of these songs just crack me the hell up. Like everyone else, though, I'm not always up. I live on an emotional roller coaster.

Music makes a big difference to my mood & therefore my life. It helps to soothe me, makes me happy, lets me be silly, makes me cry, lets me yell in rage while in traffic (thank you Dope!), & then soothes me again.

Welcome to my roller coaster.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

Peace & Love.

Designed Exclusively For Mentally Inked© By: The Greer 5© Any conflicts should be directed to Brittany