Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shake Your Booty Music Monday

Ok, Kia from Bodhi Bear basically challenged me to do a Music Monday that will get you going while working out.

As you all know, I'm trying to be the next Mamavation Mom. This means my tushy better get moving. Ok, while I'm on the computer, I'm obviously sitting on my ass, but trust me when I say I'm moving while listening through my list & writing this up.

Part of my problem is I am always on the computer & have every reason in the world not to get up...I can do pretty much everything while at my computer! I hope this gets me going! (I think I can. I think I can. I think I can...)

I hope this helps get you moving & gets you through your Monday!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Goals for today:
  • drink at least 64 oz of water
  • get moving in one way or another for at least an hr
  • NO SODA!!!!

Peace & Love


  1. You can do it!! I'm trying to drink water too...ughhh I hate it.

  2. The water is hard for me.I have actually been on strictly water for almost 2 weeks now and I am seeing a difference. I love your list! I am copying it lol!

  3. I REALLY need to do the water thing! Good luck!!!

  4. Can you move your hips like Shakira??
    I have tried but no such luck.


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